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Demand Planning

Demand Planning

Demand Planning is the core of Supply Chain planning process. All planning starts with the customer demand in view. The more comprehensive and accurate the demand planning is, more effective will be organization’s supply chain planning.

Increased competition, more frequent product launches and shorter product lifecycles have made demand planning increasingly important. The need to improve order fill rates and reduce inventory are the key drivers to invest in forecasting and demand planning process.

Effective demand planning can help organizations align their production plans, procurements, inventory levels and supply plans which will lead to overall reduction in operational costs.

Organizations value accurate demand forecasts because inventory is expensive to keep on shelves and stockouts are detrimental to both short-term revenue and long-term customer engagement.

SCM Connect uses Predictive analytics for demand planning across SKUs and geography. With our Predictive Demand Forecasting and Planning solution, organizations can leverage the most predictive economic leading indicators of sales, every single SKU in your supply chain across all locations


Make your supply chain a competitive advantage

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  • SKU-Location wise forecast
  • Rolling Forecast/ Demand
  • Forecast Accuracy
  • Revenue Growth
  • Reduced Stock Outs
  • Lower inventory levels and safety stocks
  • Outsource logistics effectively
  • Improve lead times and performance
  • Reduce Slob inventory
  • Reduce business and supply chain risk
  • Identify shortage and quality problems along the supply chain
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